Employment potentials in the energy value-chain in Europe’s coal regions in transition

Parallel session ‘Coal Regions Virtual Week’


In 2020 the EU announced ambitious targets for the expansion of offshore renewables and green hydrogen that have the potential to deliver quality jobs in an EU’s energy value chain that is knowing an intense transformation, an opportunity also for job creation in Europe’s coal regions in transition. Is it possible to create an integrated strategy at regional level for a new energy value chain that can foster local quality jobs? We will hear stories from the ground, from public authorities that are working together towards this objective. 

13:30– 13:45 Welcoming remarks by co-chairs and scene-setting presentation

Judith Kirton-Darling, Deputy General Secretary, IndustriAll

Adela Tesarova, Head of Unit, Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition

13:45-14:05 Regional value chains and transition: Stories from the ground 

• Janusz Gajowiecki, CEO, Polish Wind Energy Association

• Gregory Pastor, CGT FTM metallurgie

14:15-15:00 Integrated strategies for a solid energy value chain 

• Michał Hetmański, President of the Board, Instrat Foundation 

• Miguel Muñoz Rodríguez, Head of Climate Policies and Alliances, Iberdrola

• (TBC)

15:00– 15:20 Q&A and closing remarks 

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